Our Services

Woollard Nichols Torres Consulting works with non-profit executives, government administrators, funders, coalitions and other social sector leaders who are challenged with addressing and navigating complex issues. We’ve been particularly successful with supporting collaborative initiatives, coalitions and boards to articulate their vision and take concrete action steps to achieve their goals. We aim to be a trusted sounding board for leaders and groups facing tough issues, and to bring a fresh perspective to organizational planning and decision making.

Our primary focus is in the social sector. We define the social sector as non-profit, public and private sector initiatives that build community well-being and help people reach their full potential. This often includes working with organizations and individuals focusing on health and human services, housing and community development, education, workforce development, and behavioral health.

We specialize in three areas:

Supporting Sustained Collaboration

We provide reliable coordination and support services to emerging and established collaborations, including:

  • Catalyzing emerging networks and collaborations
  • Facilitation, guidance and support for networks, community boards, task forces, coalitions, and collaborations
  • Project management, strategy, and administrative support
  • Communications plans, website maintenance and social media
  • Resource development and sustainability planning
  • Membership management and engagement
  • Developing feedback loops and data-driven coalition culture
  • Convening learning communities and communities of practice
  • Exploration of partnerships, mergers and collaborations
  • Board development and governance

Facilitating Strategic Decision Making

We collect data and design dialogue to support leaders tackling complex and chaotic issues by guiding, conducting and supporting:

  • People-focused community assessments
  • Stakeholder research including interviews, focus groups, and surveys
  • Demographic profiles, community scans and best practice analyses
  • Executive hiring processes
  • Asset and fiscal mapping
  • Community planning and agenda setting
  • Organizational strategy screens and decision-making criteria
  • Strategic planning and strategic decision making
  • Sustainability planning & development strategy

Capacity Building for Impact

We assist clients in developing practices and systems to build resilience and sustainable organizational culture through:

  • Strengths-focused executive decision making and coaching
  • Operational and management coaching
  • Customized trainings on building  and nurturing collaboration culture
  • Program evaluation and developing internal evaluation systems
  • Providing support in grants distribution, implementation and management
  • Operational design and support
  • Project design and implementation
  • Supporting equitable and inclusive staffing and succession planning

Before beginning any work, we meet with the client for a complimentary consultation to discuss the project needs and scope, and we work closely to develop a contract that clearly outlines expectations and costs.