Introducing Kat Horstmann

Kat Horstmann

Introducing Kat Horstmann

Kat Horstmann is WNA’s newest Coalition Coordinator. After being on the job for a couple of months, we threw some questions at her and we think her answers are super thoughtful. We are so glad to have Kat as a part of our team!

What is your favorite part of working at WNA?
My favorite part of the work is the space for dialogue. There is a supportive space to have an ongoing dialogue with whatever issues are going on and how we can improve things, how we can connect better with our clients. I feel a strong sense of connection here.

What has most surprised you about working at WNA?
What has surprised me even with all the instability of the last year and a half, there’s a really strong foundation and sense of connection. Even post-pandemic and with the entire team working remotely, the firm feels cohesive and the level of service to clients and support of staff is strong.

What questions have or are arising for you about our WNA’s work?
I’m curious how WNA will engage the next generation of coalitions and coalition leaders. Specifically, how we can better engage with collaborations and advocates tackling big issues like race, gender and equity, and the climate crisis. I’m curious and excited to dig into the ways WNA may shift in the next 5, 10 years, and how our work will reflect evolving priorities within the social sector.

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