WNA Honored as a Finalist for the 2019 Celia Bell Entrepreneur Awards hosted by SCORE Austin

WNA Honored as a Finalist for the 2019 Celia Bell Entrepreneur Awards hosted by SCORE Austin

It was a while ago, but we were so proud to be honored as one of three small business finalists for the Celia Bell Entrepreneur Awards hosted by SCORE Austin in 2019. We have turned to SCORE mentors for assistance as our business has grown over the past five years and we are thrilled to be recognized as one of so many amazing local ventures. Check out the video that Cabe Lindsay with Arise Video created for us as part of being recognized as a finalist!

Thank you SCORE for the important role you play in supporting small businesses and non-profit startups in Austin! Our mentor Bill Grosskopf has provided invaluable advice as we seek to grow. If a social worker and a bureaucrat can start a business, you can too… and SCORE Austin is there to help.

2 thoughts on “WNA Honored as a Finalist for the 2019 Celia Bell Entrepreneur Awards hosted by SCORE Austin”

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