Tips from a Matchmaker: Nonprofit + Business Collaboration

juicy tips

Happy Birthday to Us… But the Gifts are For You!

It’s been one year since Woollard Nichols & Associates officially launched, and we’ve been reflecting on the work that we’ve done over the last year. It was a great year – we supported almost twenty clients including coalitions and collaborations, membership associations, non-profit organizations, city departments and divisions of school districts. We facilitated community planning

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How Nonprofits Can Catch the Social Media Train

Kelly and WNA intern Kamene Dornubari-Ogidi share insights from a social media training held by One Voice Central Texas. Check out live tweets and photos with the event hashtag, #OneVoiceCTX. Nonprofits have progressively embraced the dynamic, connective utility of social media platforms in educational campaigns, event and donor outreach. Social media has also proved to be a

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5 Things to Do Before You Hire a Marketing Firm, or How Not to Put the Cart Before the Horse

We love communications and PR folks. They are amazingly creative professionals who can offer value-added services to promote your mission by helping you craft your message to the media, by designing impactful collateral that supports strategic fundraising, by creating infographics that demonstrate complex concepts at a glance, and more. But – and I think my

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Tips from a Matchmaker: Nonprofit + Business Collaboration

Austin Gives is a great community program that recognizes and encourages local business philanthropy, and we are very proud to support the initiative. Last month, Sam co-facilitated the Austin Gives “Faster, Better Biz Philanthropy” workshop designed to help businesses navigate the nitty gritty details of developing effective philanthropy plans. With 25 businesses in attendance, the

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